Creating an SMS campaign

With your SMS channel and templates ready, you’re now prepared to set up an SMS campaign in the Orbit journey builder.

To set up an SMS campaign journey:

  1. From the Orbit home screen, click Campaigns.

  2. Either select an existing campaign, or create a new one.

    See Creating a campaign.

  3. Choose a target audience.

    See Adding audiences.

  4. Click the plus icon on your journey where you want your SMS message step, then select SMS under Channels.

  5. Click your new SMS step, then give it a meaningful name for easy reference.

  6. Select Apteco SMS as the channel.

  7. Check your SMS credits displayed beneath your channel.

    Note: Each SMS message requires a certain number of message parts, which consume credits. The total required credits for your campaign are calculated based on:

    - The number of recipients in your target audience
    - The length of your message template, including any personalisation or emojis

  8. Select the SMS template you want to use.

    From within this specific SMS step, you also have further actions available from the option menu.

    • Edit Template: Edit and save your current template without leaving the journey builder

    • View All Templates: View all of your templates in the SMS builder. You can manage templates as needed to maintain your template library

    • New Template: Create a new template to use in the current SMS message step

  9. To ensure that your message is correctly personalised, specify any required fields such as First Name or other variables relevant to your campaign.

    See Message personalisation.

  10. Click Apply.

  11. Save, publish, and set a schedule for your campaign.

    See Saving, editing, or publishing changes and Setting a schedule.

You have successfully set up an SMS campaign. Orbit automatically handles the SMS sends according to the set schedule.